all postcodes in WF3 / WAKEFIELD

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF3 1DH 24 0 53.720469 -1.583458
WF3 1DJ 29 0 53.721015 -1.582801
WF3 1DL 7 1 53.719523 -1.582861
WF3 1DN 6 0 53.716079 -1.582974
WF3 1DP 1 1 53.713547 -1.582996
WF3 1DQ 1 0 53.720203 -1.581991
WF3 1DS 9 0 53.716047 -1.580789
WF3 1DT 4 0 53.716416 -1.580952
WF3 1DU 21 1 53.716276 -1.57959
WF3 1DW 18 1 53.715016 -1.581588
WF3 1DX 26 0 53.715242 -1.579585
WF3 1DY 4 0 53.717307 -1.576383
WF3 1DZ 8 0 53.717268 -1.575534
WF3 1EA 4 0 53.71804 -1.575011
WF3 1EB 23 0 53.720467 -1.570229
WF3 1BE 3 0 53.722868 -1.567901
WF3 1ED 32 0 53.723397 -1.567501
WF3 1EE 42 0 53.721168 -1.5676
WF3 1EF 55 3 53.718919 -1.569638
WF3 1EG 14 0 53.717484 -1.570592