all postcodes in WF4 / WAKEFIELD

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF4 5JS 49 0 53.659572 -1.543459
WF4 5JT 19 0 53.658831 -1.542453
WF4 5JU 12 0 53.658654 -1.545375
WF4 5JW 20 0 53.660181 -1.542817
WF4 5JX 32 0 53.6587 -1.543468
WF4 5JY 15 0 53.659282 -1.545157
WF4 5LA 12 0 53.657246 -1.54875
WF4 5LE 18 10 53.659907 -1.556106
WF4 5LG 5 1 53.659729 -1.556425
WF4 5LH 4 0 53.660151 -1.556757
WF4 5LJ 3 0 53.659667 -1.556638
WF4 5LL 1 1 53.659429 -1.555536
WF4 5LN 8 1 53.659018 -1.556282
WF4 5LP 5 0 53.659033 -1.555846
WF4 5LQ 3 0 53.65947 -1.556943
WF4 5LR 10 0 53.659893 -1.552414
WF4 5LS 19 0 53.660409 -1.550865
WF4 5LT 11 0 53.658489 -1.558965
WF4 5LU 2 1 53.659831 -1.557865
WF4 5LW 6 0 53.659226 -1.556506