all postcodes in WF4 / WAKEFIELD

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF4 5PA 28 0 53.658633 -1.57402
WF4 5PB 4 4 53.65993 -1.57516
WF4 5PE 8 0 53.65937 -1.57657
WF4 5PF 10 0 53.659207 -1.576224
WF4 5PG 12 0 53.658958 -1.576937
WF4 5PH 22 0 53.659526 -1.577507
WF4 5PL 4 0 53.659547 -1.578339
WF4 5PN 4 0 53.659611 -1.578671
WF4 5PP 11 3 53.658176 -1.577327
WF4 5PQ 6 0 53.659282 -1.576964
WF4 5PR 1 1 53.65778 -1.576858
WF4 5PS 11 4 53.658408 -1.576519
WF4 5PT 27 15 53.657402 -1.579207
WF4 5PX 1 0 53.657486 -1.577421
WF4 5PY 3 0 53.656045 -1.576724
WF4 5QA 2 2 53.656104 -1.578739
WF4 5QB 48 0 53.660381 -1.577891
WF4 5QD 20 0 53.665864 -1.541227
WF4 5QF 3 0 53.657995 -1.547077
WF4 5QG 69 0 53.657853 -1.545233