all postcodes in WF5 / OSSETT

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF5 9BN 10 5 53.680403 -1.57916
WF5 9TH 1 1 53.681796 -1.545266
WF5 9BQ 1 1 53.679974 -1.547841
WF5 9BS 1 1 53.697835 -1.582954
WF5 9BT 5 4 53.680959 -1.578973
WF5 9DB 18 9 53.681094 -1.57949
WF5 9DD 46 0 53.687908 -1.584264
WF5 9DE 2 1 53.682222 -1.58078
WF5 9DF 28 0 53.680612 -1.579794
WF5 9DG 6 6 53.682658 -1.581409
WF5 9DH 16 0 53.682284 -1.579898
WF5 9DN 6 1 53.684494 -1.582253
WF5 9DP 7 0 53.686377 -1.583567
WF5 9DQ 18 0 53.684085 -1.586058
WF5 9DR 9 1 53.687152 -1.58415
WF5 9DS 2 0 53.687432 -1.584953
WF5 9DT 15 1 53.688501 -1.584394
WF5 9DU 41 0 53.685031 -1.584065
WF5 9DW 9 2 53.685524 -1.583682
WF5 9DX 5 0 53.68135 -1.580683