all postcodes in WF5 / OSSETT

find any address or company within the WF5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF5 8JW 27 0 53.677576 -1.585667
WF5 8JX 7 0 53.675305 -1.578726
WF5 8JY 3 0 53.675393 -1.57815
WF5 8JZ 5 0 53.67445 -1.578326
WF5 8LA 4 0 53.67427 -1.578494
WF5 8LB 8 1 53.673967 -1.579194
WF5 8LD 4 0 53.678678 -1.589759
WF5 8LE 16 0 53.673271 -1.577944
WF5 8LF 11 0 53.672459 -1.577029
WF5 8LG 14 0 53.672407 -1.57762
WF5 8LH 43 0 53.672888 -1.578947
WF5 8LJ 37 0 53.673365 -1.581622
WF5 8LL 9 2 53.673817 -1.580576
WF5 8LN 22 7 53.672645 -1.581447
WF5 8LP 32 0 53.672702 -1.579691
WF5 8LQ 20 0 53.672048 -1.577896
WF5 8LR 1 0 53.671189 -1.58411
WF5 8LS 40 0 53.670947 -1.584752
WF5 8LT 13 5 53.669441 -1.588154
WF5 8LU 18 0 53.67154 -1.581731