all postcodes in WF5 / OSSETT

find any address or company within the WF5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF5 8PB 14 0 53.679254 -1.582351
WF5 8PD 8 0 53.673443 -1.578503
WF5 8PE 22 2 53.678299 -1.584268
WF5 8PF 4 0 53.676798 -1.586765
WF5 8PG 7 0 53.677475 -1.582489
WF5 8PH 19 0 53.676588 -1.585965
WF5 8PJ 1 0 53.675628 -1.583628
WF5 8PL 14 0 53.677117 -1.585445
WF5 8PN 4 0 53.676012 -1.585698
WF5 8PP 14 0 53.676982 -1.582873
WF5 8PQ 10 0 53.67695 -1.584084
WF5 8PR 12 8 53.678234 -1.580998
WF5 8PS 19 13 53.678921 -1.580147
WF5 8PU 4 0 53.678753 -1.58287
WF5 8PW 6 0 53.675931 -1.585729
WF5 8PX 8 0 53.682132 -1.588015
WF5 8PY 3 3 53.679875 -1.579922
WF5 8PZ 7 0 53.67993 -1.580224
WF5 8QA 18 0 53.682534 -1.58736
WF5 8QB 12 0 53.682633 -1.590481