all postcodes in WF9 / PONTEFRACT

find any address or company within the WF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF9 2JQ 0 53.591113 -1.28392
WF9 2JS 0 53.59247 -1.282341
WF9 2JT 0 53.593175 -1.284505
WF9 2JU 0 53.588122 -1.284197
WF9 2JW 0 53.591574 -1.282734
WF9 2JX 3 53.586633 -1.296869
WF9 2JY 1 53.588097 -1.296736
WF9 2JZ 0 53.587357 -1.296099
WF9 2LA 0 53.58653 -1.297638
WF9 2LB 0 53.585869 -1.298374
WF9 2LE 0 53.58406 -1.299492
WF9 2LF 0 53.5847 -1.299829
WF9 2LG 0 53.585489 -1.299484
WF9 2LH 0 53.585759 -1.2996
WF9 2LJ 0 53.586013 -1.299973
WF9 2LL 0 53.586841 -1.298615
WF9 2LN 0 53.587065 -1.300001
WF9 2LP 0 53.587191 -1.298549
WF9 2LQ 0 53.585126 -1.300396
WF9 2LR 0 53.588247 -1.299257