all postcodes in WF9 / PONTEFRACT

find any address or company within the WF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF9 2NU 0 53.597702 -1.299161
WF9 2NW 0 53.595732 -1.297365
WF9 2NX 0 53.597093 -1.297932
WF9 2NY 2 53.597703 -1.300762
WF9 2PA 0 53.597449 -1.300359
WF9 2PB 0 53.598026 -1.300727
WF9 2PD 0 53.598625 -1.29703
WF9 2PE 0 53.598245 -1.296734
WF9 2PF 0 53.599234 -1.295222
WF9 2PG 0 53.598585 -1.29487
WF9 2PH 3 53.599391 -1.295839
WF9 2PJ 0 53.599806 -1.299277
WF9 2PL 0 53.599206 -1.299619
WF9 2PN 0 53.599655 -1.29804
WF9 2PP 0 53.596677 -1.298996
WF9 2PQ 0 53.599018 -1.293656
WF9 2PU 0 53.593926 -1.289886
WF9 2PW 0 53.599654 -1.296348
WF9 2PX 0 53.594223 -1.289926
WF9 2PY 0 53.594126 -1.288628