all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 1PW 20 13 53.548929 -2.632401
WN1 1PX 5 5 53.548914 -2.632401
WN1 1QF 6 4 53.548408 -2.632197
WN1 1QG 2 2 53.548261 -2.631198
WN1 1QH 11 5 53.548019 -2.631014
WN1 1QJ 8 6 53.550458 -2.632711
WN1 1QP 20 15 53.548624 -2.631174
WN1 1QS 1 1 53.54611 -2.632299
WN1 1QX 8 7 53.549277 -2.631697
WN1 1RG 3 1 53.549775 -2.63098
WN1 1RP 1 1 53.548978 -2.633836
WN1 1RR 1 1 53.548738 -2.635085
WN1 1RS 1 1 53.546967 -2.635089
WN1 1RU 32 3 53.550713 -2.637198
WN1 1RY 21 0 53.551512 -2.639051
WN1 1RZ 10 0 53.551064 -2.638788
WN1 1SA 9 1 53.551267 -2.639485
WN1 1SE 28 1 53.548262 -2.634338
WN1 1SJ 1 1 53.550202 -2.631877
WN1 1SS 1 1 53.550798 -2.633033