all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 4SD 53 2 53.524327 -2.549344
WN2 4SE 3 0 53.524401 -2.548878
WN2 4SF 7 0 53.530833 -2.549851
WN2 4SG 11 0 53.52637 -2.56429
WN2 4SH 14 0 53.527304 -2.564559
WN2 4SJ 51 5 53.525932 -2.555715
WN2 4SL 12 0 53.525 -2.553516
WN2 4SN 3 2 53.525459 -2.550927
WN2 4SP 23 0 53.527095 -2.563123
WN2 4SQ 12 3 53.524844 -2.552353
WN2 4SR 9 0 53.523833 -2.549429
WN2 4ST 3 0 53.523118 -2.546403
WN2 4SU 1 0 53.522908 -2.547305
WN2 4SW 7 0 53.528399 -2.568586
WN2 4SX 28 0 53.521739 -2.545359
WN2 4SY 6 0 53.528546 -2.56987
WN2 4SZ 66 11 53.521286 -2.543724
WN2 4TA 65 1 53.522748 -2.538962
WN2 4TB 35 0 53.522625 -2.542158
WN2 4TD 41 0 53.523621 -2.53671