all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 4TE 4 0 53.525757 -2.537356
WN2 4TF 31 0 53.523417 -2.538095
WN2 4TG 47 0 53.523628 -2.539184
WN2 4TH 49 0 53.524252 -2.542133
WN2 4TJ 42 0 53.524521 -2.540402
WN2 4TL 38 0 53.525334 -2.541423
WN2 4TN 5 5 53.517621 -2.549514
WN2 4TP 11 0 53.525504 -2.543673
WN2 4TQ 29 0 53.523975 -2.539837
WN2 4TR 30 0 53.523729 -2.542655
WN2 4TS 6 0 53.523078 -2.5415
WN2 4TT 28 0 53.52475 -2.541386
WN2 4TU 80 0 53.522147 -2.540508
WN2 4TW 39 0 53.525268 -2.544213
WN2 4TX 60 0 53.521605 -2.541119
WN2 4TY 35 0 53.520843 -2.540808
WN2 4TZ 32 0 53.521023 -2.542756
WN2 4UA 1 1 53.514232 -2.54576
WN2 4UB 30 0 53.512522 -2.544215
WN2 4UD 4 0 53.521931 -2.544728