all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 4AN 41 0 52.740861 -1.884277
WS15 4AP 1 0 52.736783 -1.888242
WS15 4AR 0 52.741615 -1.883342
WS15 4AS 0 52.741195 -1.886424
WS15 4AT 1 52.743821 -1.888485
WS15 4AU 0 52.743246 -1.887115
WS15 4AW 0 52.738394 -1.889689
WS15 4AX 0 52.743378 -1.894506
WS15 4AY 0 52.743738 -1.89449
WS15 4AZ 3 52.745198 -1.888665
WS15 4BA 0 52.745447 -1.886294
WS15 4BB 0 52.742614 -1.885013
WS15 4BD 1 52.742291 -1.88531
WS15 4BE 0 52.741185 -1.884898
WS15 4BF 0 52.741815 -1.895976
WS15 4BH 1 52.741857 -1.874291
WS15 4BJ 2 52.741417 -1.874351
WS15 4BL 0 52.740729 -1.878501
WS15 4BN 2 52.741754 -1.87869
WS15 4BP 0 52.740362 -1.879953