all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV10 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 7LF 0 52.659102 -2.080561
WV10 7LG 0 52.657996 -2.080588
WV10 7LH 0 52.65537 -2.082106
WV10 7LJ 0 52.662717 -2.077935
WV10 7LL 0 52.666865 -2.073388
WV10 7LN 3 52.674675 -2.075724
WV10 7FB 0 52.670453 -2.070807
WV10 7LP 0 52.676127 -2.082115
WV10 7LQ 0 52.6608 -2.07868
WV10 7LR 1 52.674902 -2.072411
WV10 7LS 0 52.66761 -2.05552
WV10 7LT 0 52.66718 -2.055053
WV10 7LU 1 52.660435 -2.0605
WV10 7LX 0 52.65427 -2.05438
WV10 7LY 0 52.654569 -2.0518
WV10 7LZ 5 52.653206 -2.079116
WV10 7NA 0 52.654336 -2.082651
WV10 7NB 0 52.641851 -2.092145
WV10 7ND 0 52.653645 -2.120088
WV10 7NE 0 52.650631 -2.10656