all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV10 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 7NG 0 52.648869 -2.095574
WV10 7NH 0 52.646999 -2.084884
WV10 7NJ 0 52.647394 -2.085313
WV10 7NL 0 52.647142 -2.085845
WV10 7NN 0 52.647004 -2.087139
WV10 7NP 0 52.65065 -2.105555
WV10 7NQ 0 52.650065 -2.103863
WV10 7NR 0 52.653002 -2.106457
WV10 7NS 1 52.655478 -2.104931
WV10 7NT 0 52.653112 -2.10492
WV10 7NW 3 52.648743 -2.095973
WV10 7NY 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV10 7NZ 3 52.654576 -2.117258
WV10 7PA 5 52.660696 -2.117018
WV10 7PD 1 52.657612 -2.120134
WV10 7PE 0 52.660386 -2.121186
WV10 7PG 0 52.66124 -2.122061
WV10 7PH 3 52.665063 -2.127853
WV10 7PJ 1 52.65493 -2.122861
WV10 7PL 0 52.652787 -2.12624