all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 7PN 1 52.65046 -2.124608
WV10 7PP 1 52.650683 -2.126752
WV10 7PR 1 52.645606 -2.124904
WV10 7PS 1 52.640256 -2.125968
WV10 7PT 0 52.657611 -2.118399
WV10 7PU 1 52.650201 -2.112407
WV10 7PW 1 52.653449 -2.129125
WV10 7PX 0 52.649768 -2.106647
WV10 7PY 1 52.650185 -2.112412
WV10 7PZ 0 52.665084 -2.116675
WV10 7QA 0 52.641834 -2.091007
WV10 7QB 0 52.642906 -2.08823
WV10 7QT 1 52.658705 -2.08291
WV10 7QZ 5 52.636553 -2.093162
WV10 7SS 0 52.643329 -2.098517
WV10 7ST 0 52.643005 -2.099049
WV10 7SU 0 52.644598 -2.0975
WV10 7SX 0 52.645028 -2.098403
WV10 7SY 0 52.644531 -2.099549
WV10 7SZ 0 52.643843 -2.097336