all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 9SY 0 52.608615 -2.113487
WV10 9SZ 0 52.608823 -2.112144
WV10 9TA 0 52.609113 -2.110402
WV10 9TB 1 52.609538 -2.107804
WV10 9TE 1 52.609005 -2.108224
WV10 9TF 3 52.603508 -2.123529
WV10 9TG 33 52.601994 -2.127128
WV10 9TH 1 52.609747 -2.115041
WV10 9TJ 9 52.601679 -2.110029
WV10 9TL 0 52.613399 -2.121873
WV10 9TN 2 52.606587 -2.127776
WV10 9TR 1 52.607486 -2.128148
WV10 9TU 2 52.611222 -2.122783
WV10 9TW 1 52.607539 -2.12606
WV10 9TX 0 52.611772 -2.121057
WV10 9TY 1 52.612204 -2.121353
WV10 9TZ 0 52.612644 -2.12162
WV10 9UA 0 52.613103 -2.120425
WV10 9UB 0 52.613885 -2.121299
WV10 9UD 0 52.613715 -2.119895