all postcodes in WV15 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV15 6EJ 9 1 52.494619 -2.308013
WV15 6EL 11 1 52.496588 -2.297407
WV15 6EP 12 1 52.477572 -2.308895
WV15 6EQ 13 1 52.496121 -2.314402
WV15 6ER 19 0 52.472691 -2.32186
WV15 6ES 19 0 52.478197 -2.330264
WV15 6ET 2 0 52.47886 -2.34228
WV15 6EU 9 2 52.48746 -2.33534
WV15 6EW 16 1 52.489636 -2.315902
WV15 6EX 1 0 52.494684 -2.289499
WV15 6HB 1 0 52.4831 -2.35392
WV15 6HD 31 2 52.475717 -2.372264
WV15 6HE 10 0 52.470931 -2.349656
WV15 6HF 7 0 52.472679 -2.348477
WV15 6HG 24 17 52.455709 -2.365384
WV15 6HH 9 0 52.467082 -2.360971
WV15 6HJ 10 0 52.463515 -2.340368
WV15 6HL 3 0 52.465487 -2.341131
WV15 6HN 23 1 52.473147 -2.371712
WV15 6HP 1 0 52.442389 -2.310812