all postcodes in WV15 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV15 6JW 15 0 52.458732 -2.346365
WV15 6JX 58 0 52.460019 -2.349113
WV15 6JY 7 0 52.460891 -2.34912
WV15 6JZ 8 0 52.460671 -2.350428
WV15 6LA 20 0 52.461365 -2.350095
WV15 6LE 7 0 52.4617 -2.349112
WV15 6LL 8 4 52.461571 -2.342778
WV15 6LN 11 1 52.459773 -2.344092
WV15 6LP 9 0 52.464573 -2.34728
WV15 6LQ 19 0 52.45872 -2.344467
WV15 6LR 2 0 52.46972 -2.353765
WV15 6LS 30 3 52.461308 -2.347813
WV15 6LT 30 0 52.461293 -2.346945
WV15 6LU 8 0 52.460666 -2.346292
WV15 6LW 3 0 52.463361 -2.343826
WV15 6NB 8 1 52.457222 -2.355434
WV15 6ND 4 0 52.458004 -2.355528
WV15 6NE 11 0 52.45834 -2.354383
WV15 6NF 10 0 52.45804 -2.354186
WV15 6NG 40 2 52.454738 -2.353309