all postcodes in WV15 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV15 6PS 6 0 52.458946 -2.353093
WV15 6PT 9 0 52.458688 -2.350997
WV15 6PU 11 0 52.458387 -2.350719
WV15 6QB 11 0 52.5227 -2.401976
WV15 6QD 14 1 52.522364 -2.402931
WV15 6QE 4 0 52.522164 -2.39553
WV15 6QF 9 0 52.511471 -2.388759
WV15 6QG 10 0 52.520769 -2.39061
WV15 6QH 21 0 52.517827 -2.385809
WV15 6QJ 54 3 52.510461 -2.38433
WV15 6QL 41 2 52.510652 -2.387954
WV15 6QN 24 1 52.49567 -2.36791
WV15 6QR 10 1 52.508799 -2.36108
WV15 6QS 3 0 52.520828 -2.38078
WV15 6QW 36 3 52.492069 -2.36084
WV15 6ZW 1 1 52.534316 -2.419743
WV15 6AH 18 0 52.53356 -2.414028
WV15 6DS 0 52.528098 -2.381905
WV15 6QP 0 52.508443 -2.38278
WV15 6AN 1 52.528049 -2.401892