all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 6SH 4 0 52.497024 -2.577897
WV16 6SJ 22 0 52.497106 -2.579518
WV16 6SL 6 0 52.495406 -2.581558
WV16 6SN 17 0 52.494554 -2.58299
WV16 6SP 15 0 52.498168 -2.581123
WV16 6SQ 28 3 52.500087 -2.578423
WV16 6SS 67 20 52.499112 -2.573667
WV16 6ST 20 0 52.500881 -2.57042
WV16 6SU 9 0 52.502597 -2.568215
WV16 6SW 3 1 52.496051 -2.585055
WV16 6SX 1 0 52.49354 -2.578911
WV16 6SY 12 0 52.490023 -2.584771
WV16 6SZ 5 0 52.486684 -2.589174
WV16 6TA 9 0 52.480009 -2.574727
WV16 6TB 6 0 52.474981 -2.569744
WV16 6TD 5 1 52.486784 -2.572505
WV16 6TE 1 0 52.492218 -2.578953
WV16 6TF 13 0 52.521393 -2.548342
WV16 6TG 2 0 52.530288 -2.548761
WV16 6TH 6 0 52.500593 -2.577885