all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 2PT 6 0 52.584487 -2.088977
WV1 2PW 27 0 52.584848 -2.090918
WV1 2QB 47 0 52.582494 -2.089275
WV1 2QD 4 0 52.581532 -2.089612
WV1 2QE 33 0 52.580785 -2.089921
WV1 2QF 14 0 52.580551 -2.090776
WV1 2QG 6 0 52.580182 -2.091853
WV1 2QH 6 0 52.579004 -2.09126
WV1 2QJ 6 0 52.579679 -2.090922
WV1 2QL 54 0 52.581209 -2.088519
WV1 2QN 31 1 52.582137 -2.086189
WV1 2QP 7 7 52.585719 -2.110366
WV1 2QQ 28 0 52.579534 -2.091748
WV1 2QT 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 2QU 6 0 52.584364 -2.10744
WV1 2QY 4 4 52.584841 -2.106645
WV1 2QZ 32 0 52.585832 -2.107554
WV1 2RA 19 0 52.586466 -2.102375
WV1 2RD 4 3 52.586755 -2.107343
WV1 2RE 12 0 52.585995 -2.105945