all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 3HL 11 9 52.583275 -2.129243
WV1 3HQ 1 1 52.584006 -2.126411
WV1 3HR 12 11 52.583038 -2.129457
WV1 3HT 8 6 52.58295 -2.12832
WV1 3JE 10 10 52.585268 -2.120667
WV1 3JH 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 3JN 1 1 52.584435 -2.120332
WV1 3JS 1 1 52.584948 -2.119831
WV1 3JW 56 29 52.585741 -2.124609
WV1 3JX 8 8 52.585505 -2.126202
WV1 3JY 2 1 52.585607 -2.123
WV1 3LL 7 0 52.58405 -2.118722
WV1 3LN 11 3 52.583645 -2.11715
WV1 3LP 2 2 52.583691 -2.115231
WV1 3LQ 1 1 52.584361 -2.122132
WV1 3LR 1 1 52.584467 -2.115919
WV1 3LS 1 1 52.584947 -2.118054
WV1 3LT 6 6 52.584229 -2.117019
WV1 3LX 2 2 52.583801 -2.113756
WV1 3LY 1 1 52.583998 -2.116656