all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 2TJ 7 0 52.576307 -2.092199
WV1 2TL 20 0 52.576342 -2.092863
WV1 2TN 22 0 52.575856 -2.093172
WV1 2TQ 33 0 52.57707 -2.093277
WV1 2TW 24 0 52.573607 -2.09538
WV1 2TX 3 3 52.576856 -2.098391
WV1 2TY 1 1 52.576715 -2.098618
WV1 2TZ 31 18 52.575165 -2.100321
WV1 2UA 3 3 52.576453 -2.096634
WV1 2UD 42 0 52.577395 -2.091448
WV1 2UE 37 0 52.577396 -2.090135
WV1 2UF 45 0 52.580563 -2.086186
WV1 2UG 65 0 52.580628 -2.084179
WV1 2UH 14 10 52.582437 -2.103502
WV1 2UJ 21 0 52.573283 -2.096368
WV1 2UL 3 3 52.575223 -2.098763
WV1 2UN 1 1 52.574278 -2.099852
WV1 2UQ 11 0 52.580125 -2.083544
WV1 2UR 2 2 52.575878 -2.09712
WV1 2UZ 4 0 52.582927 -2.087519