all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 2EX 27 0 52.582542 -2.096462
WV1 2EZ 20 0 52.582573 -2.091636
WV1 2JD 0 52.58313 -2.091829
WV1 2GZ 1 52.583046 -2.093284
WV1 2JQ 0 52.58301 -2.096109
WV1 2WZ 0 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 2BF 1 52.590484 -2.102473
WV1 2HS 2 52.58111 -2.107211
WV1 2QR 0 52.580559 -2.092606
WV1 2FA 0 52.584964 -2.102371
WV1 2TR 30 0 52.575326 -2.093318
WV1 3BZ 1 0 52.585143 -2.122459
WV1 3AA 1 1 52.584296 -2.124597
WV1 3AE 11 7 52.584834 -2.125395
WV1 3AF 1 1 52.585374 -2.125515
WV1 3AG 8 5 52.584921 -2.125773
WV1 3AT 1 1 52.583425 -2.123797
WV1 3AU 1 1 52.583307 -2.124682
WV1 3AW 1 1 52.583846 -2.12495
WV1 3AX 1 1 52.583172 -2.125007