all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 4BL 20 19 52.586589 -2.132145
WV1 4BN 1 1 52.587012 -2.132221
WV1 4BS 1 1 52.58623 -2.132041
WV1 4DE 2 2 52.592652 -2.128754
WV1 4DG 1 1 52.587056 -2.13225
WV1 4DJ 32 30 52.58673 -2.132612
WV1 4DS 1 1 52.58567 -2.13412
WV1 4DW 1 1 52.586022 -2.132527
WV1 4DY 1 1 52.586606 -2.132854
WV1 4EG 18 9 52.588561 -2.134669
WV1 4EL 18 0 52.586791 -2.136456
WV1 4EP 4 1 52.585744 -2.139759
WV1 4EQ 1 1 52.587962 -2.134142
WV1 4EW 21 0 52.586376 -2.137827
WV1 4EX 23 22 52.585671 -2.130498
WV1 4HB 1 1 52.58572 -2.129899
WV1 4HJ 2 2 52.585869 -2.130203
WV1 4HL 3 2 52.586147 -2.130972
WV1 4HU 1 1 52.58567 -2.13412
WV1 4HW 14 12 52.585347 -2.131205