all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 4PE 3 0 52.593605 -2.136699
WV1 4PF 31 1 52.59328 -2.137805
WV1 4PG 43 1 52.593351 -2.138189
WV1 4PH 6 0 52.59254 -2.140637
WV1 4PJ 19 0 52.592088 -2.142097
WV1 4PL 24 0 52.590342 -2.14401
WV1 4PN 15 1 52.588788 -2.143104
WV1 4PP 15 0 52.586967 -2.139881
WV1 4PQ 16 5 52.592905 -2.141075
WV1 4PR 16 5 52.586203 -2.139362
WV1 4PS 15 1 52.586691 -2.137725
WV1 4PT 4 1 52.586745 -2.136899
WV1 4PW 1 1 52.587783 -2.141256
WV1 4PX 16 0 52.587249 -2.136605
WV1 4PY 18 4 52.587349 -2.136015
WV1 4PZ 3 0 52.588248 -2.136106
WV1 4QA 8 0 52.589281 -2.136301
WV1 4QB 15 0 52.592109 -2.139499
WV1 4QG 46 0 52.589699 -2.132568
WV1 4QH 1 1 52.589447 -2.132626