all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 4QJ 4 4 52.588476 -2.133007
WV1 4QL 2 2 52.588374 -2.13303
WV1 4QQ 25 2 52.588233 -2.133198
WV1 4QR 1 1 52.590195 -2.131226
WV1 4QU 44 3 52.591228 -2.131997
WV1 4QZ 30 0 52.592874 -2.130895
WV1 4RA 1 1 52.596049 -2.12993
WV1 4RB 16 1 52.59324 -2.13117
WV1 4RD 32 0 52.593872 -2.130957
WV1 4RE 43 0 52.594304 -2.130973
WV1 4RF 8 0 52.592604 -2.131883
WV1 4RG 35 0 52.592162 -2.133137
WV1 4RH 23 4 52.593598 -2.132249
WV1 4RJ 11 0 52.593259 -2.132269
WV1 4RL 6 0 52.593762 -2.13292
WV1 4RN 20 1 52.594221 -2.132478
WV1 4RP 5 2 52.59448 -2.134
WV1 4RQ 37 0 52.59235 -2.133418
WV1 4RR 59 0 52.594083 -2.134943
WV1 4RS 5 4 52.594747 -2.134275