all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 1NA 36 9 52.588229 -2.126063
WV1 1ND 1 1 52.591406 -2.125798
WV1 1NQ 2 2 52.590801 -2.125583
WV1 1NT 6 4 52.593887 -2.125406
WV1 1PA 7 7 52.598299 -2.127397
WV1 1PB 1 1 52.596437 -2.128086
WV1 1PE 1 1 52.591406 -2.125798
WV1 1PN 1 1 52.593458 -2.123589
WV1 1PP 6 6 52.594434 -2.12428
WV1 1PX 6 6 52.597123 -2.125401
WV1 1QB 1 1 52.597661 -2.125027
WV1 1QF 42 0 52.59499 -2.12789
WV1 1QG 42 0 52.594272 -2.12743
WV1 1QH 42 0 52.593885 -2.127842
WV1 1QJ 42 0 52.59454 -2.128139
WV1 1QL 12 2 52.594216 -2.128862
WV1 1QQ 40 0 52.593685 -2.127156
WV1 1QU 471 0 52.593595 -2.129701
WV1 1QZ 1 0 52.594757 -2.127667
WV1 1RA 1 1 52.586178 -2.130211