all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 1SS 1 1 52.587041 -2.129579
WV1 1ST 17 12 52.586018 -2.126042
WV1 1TE 1 1 52.586082 -2.127554
WV1 1TH 1 1 52.585641 -2.127921
WV1 1TL 12 6 52.585954 -2.128882
WV1 1TQ 11 8 52.585593 -2.128313
WV1 1TR 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 1TS 3 3 52.586233 -2.128705
WV1 1TU 6 1 52.586251 -2.129133
WV1 1TX 4 4 52.586198 -2.128277
WV1 1TZ 1 1 52.585685 -2.128541
WV1 1UA 1 1 52.586431 -2.128307
WV1 1XJ 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 1XP 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 1ZR 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 1ZT 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 1WF 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955
WV1 1LW 11 2 52.586991 -2.126685
WV1 1SR 1 1 52.587172 -2.131108
WV1 1WZ 1 1 52.588468 -2.114955