all postcodes in YO14 / FILEY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO14 9DS 4 54.210195 -0.287257
YO14 9DT 0 54.210824 -0.287217
YO14 9DU 0 54.21113 -0.287939
YO14 9DX 9 54.211032 -0.288618
YO14 9DY 4 54.211042 -0.289323
YO14 9DZ 15 54.210189 -0.288775
YO14 9EA 1 54.210493 -0.289299
YO14 9EB 1 54.211406 -0.28897
YO14 9ED 1 54.212032 -0.28942
YO14 9EE 1 54.212076 -0.28997
YO14 9EF 2 54.212891 -0.291071
YO14 9EG 1 54.21256 -0.291177
YO14 9EH 0 54.214171 -0.293856
YO14 9EJ 0 54.214856 -0.293352
YO14 9EL 0 54.21529 -0.292905
YO14 9EN 0 54.21562 -0.29398
YO14 9EP 0 54.215511 -0.291991
YO14 9EQ 0 54.213299 -0.293171
YO14 9ER 0 54.216109 -0.291015
YO14 9ES 0 54.214233 -0.29114