all postcodes in YO14 / FILEY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO14 9PN 0 54.221346 -0.332505
YO14 9PP 1 54.221247 -0.335072
YO14 9PQ 0 54.221421 -0.325599
YO14 9PS 1 54.232855 -0.334666
YO14 9PT 1 54.230258 -0.330228
YO14 9PU 1 54.229718 -0.321137
YO14 9PW 0 54.221995 -0.331374
YO14 9PY 0 54.221831 -0.337026
YO14 9QE 1 54.190397 -0.300245
YO14 9QF 0 54.190429 -0.299324
YO14 9QH 0 54.181568 -0.297543
YO14 9QJ 0 54.175181 -0.268173
YO14 9QL 17 54.176641 -0.287341
YO14 9QN 0 54.174888 -0.292378
YO14 9QP 0 54.176552 -0.268545
YO14 9QQ 0 54.18065 -0.291757
YO14 9QR 3 54.187275 -0.289844
YO14 9QS 0 54.187176 -0.287228
YO14 9QT 0 54.188447 -0.287558
YO14 9QU 0 54.18926 -0.28849