all postcodes in YO21 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO21 2AA 7 0 54.466281 -0.792117
YO21 2AB 7 0 54.47113 -0.804335
YO21 2AD 8 0 54.476909 -0.812964
YO21 2AE 7 0 54.4626 -0.820783
YO21 2AF 26 0 54.461559 -0.814472
YO21 2AG 10 2 54.460244 -0.821051
YO21 2AH 3 0 54.457764 -0.823436
YO21 2AJ 9 1 54.457266 -0.82581
YO21 2AL 6 0 54.45443 -0.826293
YO21 2AN 5 0 54.452302 -0.831983
YO21 2AP 20 2 54.437379 -0.875687
YO21 2AQ 40 3 54.458444 -0.827274
YO21 2AR 10 0 54.424549 -0.890264
YO21 2AS 29 0 54.438538 -0.860791
YO21 2AT 9 0 54.444952 -0.845733
YO21 2AU 8 0 54.469207 -0.844572
YO21 2AW 5 0 54.450979 -0.847799
YO21 2BE 16 1 54.477098 -0.777832
YO21 2BG 10 1 54.493448 -0.782902
YO21 2BH 14 0 54.488934 -0.770238