all postcodes in YO21 / WHITBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO21 1BB 1 1 54.486411 -0.614246
YO21 1BD 1 1 54.486404 -0.613675
YO21 1BH 1 1 54.485245 -0.615289
YO21 1BJ 1 1 54.486667 -0.613867
YO21 1BL 36 16 54.485946 -0.615234
YO21 1BN 15 9 54.485259 -0.616539
YO21 1BP 1 0 54.485865 -0.61445
YO21 1BW 34 19 54.486037 -0.614552
YO21 1DA 11 0 54.485263 -0.616091
YO21 1DB 2 0 54.485352 -0.616259
YO21 1DD 1 0 54.485605 -0.616079
YO21 1DE 5 0 54.485694 -0.615984
YO21 1DF 4 0 54.486011 -0.615464
YO21 1DG 2 0 54.486061 -0.615386
YO21 1DH 24 9 54.485835 -0.614235
YO21 1DL 8 0 54.485442 -0.615174
YO21 1DN 3 3 54.484423 -0.614112
YO21 1DP 1 1 54.483911 -0.617279
YO21 1DU 5 4 54.485165 -0.61614
YO21 1DX 1 1 54.485254 -0.615273