all postcodes in YO21 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO21 3BF 2 0 54.487149 -0.614701
YO21 3BG 6 0 54.486349 -0.6155
YO21 3BH 6 0 54.486267 -0.616597
YO21 3BJ 4 0 54.486634 -0.616492
YO21 3BL 6 0 54.486745 -0.616259
YO21 3BN 14 0 54.486893 -0.616345
YO21 3BP 7 0 54.486816 -0.615915
YO21 3BQ 4 0 54.486291 -0.616334
YO21 3BS 11 8 54.48676 -0.614157
YO21 3BT 3 3 54.486829 -0.613923
YO21 3BU 23 4 54.48694 -0.61687
YO21 3BW 7 0 54.486845 -0.616099
YO21 3BX 26 2 54.487583 -0.616985
YO21 3BY 6 0 54.48699 -0.616959
YO21 3BZ 5 0 54.487541 -0.617203
YO21 3DA 13 1 54.487118 -0.61714
YO21 3DB 30 0 54.487591 -0.616059
YO21 3DD 65 2 54.487829 -0.615695
YO21 3DE 4 0 54.487086 -0.615952
YO21 3DF 6 0 54.486869 -0.615851