all postcodes in YO21 / WHITBY

find any address or company within the YO21 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO21 1DY 8 3 54.485472 -0.615808
YO21 1DZ 7 0 54.484494 -0.617228
YO21 1EA 5 4 54.48496 -0.617089
YO21 1EB 3 1 54.484456 -0.618096
YO21 1ED 1 1 54.484189 -0.61571
YO21 1EE 1 0 54.48445 -0.615671
YO21 1EF 6 1 54.484587 -0.615913
YO21 1EG 12 0 54.483378 -0.616247
YO21 1EH 32 0 54.482897 -0.616665
YO21 1EJ 6 0 54.482455 -0.617282
YO21 1EL 2 0 54.482494 -0.61634
YO21 1EN 7 0 54.482608 -0.615779
YO21 1EP 39 0 54.48301 -0.615549
YO21 1EQ 6 0 54.48306 -0.617554
YO21 1ER 17 0 54.483205 -0.615311
YO21 1ES 8 0 54.483129 -0.614897
YO21 1ET 60 3 54.483488 -0.614931
YO21 1EU 1 1 54.48069 -0.613868
YO21 1EW 39 0 54.482913 -0.616448
YO21 1EX 4 0 54.483815 -0.615183