all postcodes in YO23 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO23 3QZ 0 53.949311 -1.143722
YO23 3RA 0 53.946207 -1.16625
YO23 3RB 0 53.95595 -1.198082
YO23 3RD 0 53.927658 -1.164099
YO23 3RE 0 53.953533 -1.19153
YO23 3RF 0 53.95894 -1.20025
YO23 3RG 0 53.957934 -1.197739
YO23 3RH 0 53.955671 -1.194018
YO23 3RJ 0 53.927745 -1.166184
YO23 3RL 1 53.956709 -1.198502
YO23 3RN 0 53.954745 -1.195332
YO23 3RP 0 53.929915 -1.156531
YO23 3RQ 0 53.95658 -1.19551
YO23 3RR 2 53.964096 -1.182516
YO23 3RS 1 53.911574 -1.137962
YO23 3RT 0 53.911826 -1.144335
YO23 3RU 0 53.912268 -1.145803
YO23 3RW 0 53.916644 -1.139349
YO23 3RX 0 53.912505 -1.143758
YO23 3RY 0 53.913057 -1.144279