all postcodes in YO23 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO23 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO23 3RZ 0 53.912857 -1.143903
YO23 3SA 1 53.914927 -1.140511
YO23 3SB 1 53.91567 -1.138799
YO23 3SD 0 53.915954 -1.139668
YO23 3SE 2 53.915318 -1.141151
YO23 3SF 0 53.915541 -1.140955
YO23 3SG 0 53.915623 -1.143557
YO23 3SH 1 53.914087 -1.14368
YO23 3SJ 0 53.915913 -1.145226
YO23 3SL 0 53.917021 -1.145607
YO23 3SN 0 53.91692 -1.143927
YO23 3SP 0 53.91623 -1.14423
YO23 3SQ 1 53.915187 -1.144206
YO23 3SR 0 53.916276 -1.143171
YO23 3SS 0 53.917314 -1.143721
YO23 3ST 3 53.913857 -1.141751
YO23 3SU 1 53.913601 -1.14232
YO23 3SW 0 53.917256 -1.144468
YO23 3SX 0 53.91171 -1.140623
YO23 3SY 0 53.912096 -1.140584