all postcodes in YO24 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO24 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO24 4LD 14 0 53.951907 -1.110091
YO24 4LE 28 0 53.951062 -1.111252
YO24 4LF 7 0 53.954813 -1.106829
YO24 4LH 30 0 53.956006 -1.12727
YO24 4LJ 2 1 53.955709 -1.126127
YO24 4LL 1 1 53.955722 -1.124137
YO24 4LN 14 13 53.955734 -1.123292
YO24 4LT 4 0 53.954968 -1.124222
YO24 4LU 14 4 53.956382 -1.120947
YO24 4LW 25 2 53.955953 -1.121236
YO24 4LX 36 0 53.958232 -1.121935
YO24 4LY 37 0 53.958379 -1.122435
YO24 4LZ 19 9 53.95619 -1.122984
YO24 4NB 46 3 53.954988 -1.123299
YO24 4ND 29 0 53.955328 -1.123139
YO24 4NE 15 0 53.955597 -1.121701
YO24 4NF 8 0 53.955064 -1.121377
YO24 4NG 46 0 53.954788 -1.123028
YO24 4NH 47 0 53.954381 -1.122595
YO24 4NJ 46 1 53.95428 -1.122347