all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 9RJ 0 53.954593 -0.430282
YO25 9RL 0 53.951702 -0.435998
YO25 9RN 0 53.952815 -0.436581
YO25 9RP 0 54.019095 -0.667799
YO25 9RQ 1 53.932964 -0.379379
YO25 9RR 0 54.018439 -0.667011
YO25 9RS 0 54.019958 -0.666169
YO25 9RT 3 54.020866 -0.666155
YO25 9RU 0 54.023548 -0.666527
YO25 9RW 0 54.020463 -0.66713
YO25 9RX 0 54.020521 -0.661037
YO25 9RY 0 54.019375 -0.661425
YO25 9RZ 2 54.018539 -0.635744
YO25 9SA 0 54.035294 -0.696579
YO25 9SB 0 54.02233 -0.704758
YO25 9SD 2 54.006996 -0.694721
YO25 9SE 0 54.019753 -0.667056
YO25 9SF 0 54.020111 -0.667004
YO25 9SG 0 53.911136 -0.478757
YO25 9SH 1 53.912886 -0.48489