all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 9SJ 0 53.91528 -0.491564
YO25 9SL 0 53.912262 -0.487471
YO25 9SN 1 53.912556 -0.486547
YO25 9SP 0 53.910602 -0.487668
YO25 9SQ 0 53.909758 -0.472727
YO25 9SR 0 53.908968 -0.488406
YO25 9SS 0 53.906212 -0.482422
YO25 9ST 0 53.907293 -0.48762
YO25 9SU 0 53.90886 -0.485006
YO25 9SW 0 53.911362 -0.48525
YO25 9SX 0 53.90272 -0.505
YO25 9SY 0 53.91549 -0.488237
YO25 9SZ 0 54.019565 -0.665586
YO25 9TD 0 53.918598 -0.52337
YO25 9TE 1 53.919484 -0.523938
YO25 9TF 0 53.922686 -0.524069
YO25 9TG 0 53.92 -0.522032
YO25 9TH 0 53.917643 -0.523288
YO25 9TJ 0 53.916339 -0.522557
YO25 9TL 0 53.916451 -0.523573