all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 9TN 0 53.91882 -0.525439
YO25 9TP 0 53.930277 -0.536976
YO25 9TQ 0 53.918603 -0.5217
YO25 9TR 0 53.934886 -0.525598
YO25 9TS 2 53.937436 -0.517516
YO25 9TT 0 53.92171 -0.498977
YO25 9TW 1 53.92171 -0.549443
YO25 9TX 0 53.933316 -0.563831
YO25 9TY 0 53.933416 -0.562457
YO25 9TZ 1 53.9328 -0.561909
YO25 9UA 3 53.932542 -0.563005
YO25 9UB 0 53.931753 -0.562234
YO25 9UD 0 53.9314 -0.56149
YO25 9UE 0 53.932533 -0.560781
YO25 9UF 0 53.93297 -0.558811
YO25 9UG 2 53.933765 -0.558515
YO25 9UH 0 53.933959 -0.563474
YO25 9UJ 0 53.936615 -0.563078
YO25 9UL 0 53.93395 -0.565774
YO25 9UN 0 53.936791 -0.565814