all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 4JU 27 0 54.017995 -0.387673
YO25 4JW 43 1 54.02259 -0.392627
YO25 4JX 27 0 54.018002 -0.385661
YO25 4JY 24 0 54.018608 -0.386614
YO25 4JZ 29 0 54.01881 -0.384897
YO25 4LA 39 0 54.019584 -0.386348
YO25 4LB 5 0 54.024865 -0.393425
YO25 4LD 10 0 54.033416 -0.398177
YO25 4LE 2 0 54.045981 -0.398122
YO25 4LF 6 0 54.019597 -0.407549
YO25 4LG 16 0 54.024914 -0.39237
YO25 4LH 3 0 54.012839 -0.396037
YO25 4LJ 38 2 54.014903 -0.392512
YO25 4LL 28 0 54.016737 -0.388488
YO25 4LN 8 0 54.015193 -0.392729
YO25 4LP 34 0 54.01549 -0.384705
YO25 4LQ 10 0 54.019276 -0.390878
YO25 4LR 43 0 54.015225 -0.388394
YO25 4LS 34 0 54.012742 -0.387434
YO25 4LT 27 0 54.013155 -0.388168