all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 4LW 19 0 54.017325 -0.388129
YO25 4LX 14 0 54.016166 -0.387502
YO25 4LY 18 0 54.014491 -0.39065
YO25 4LZ 26 0 54.013709 -0.39126
YO25 4NA 21 1 54.052578 -0.311406
YO25 4NB 13 0 54.052682 -0.316197
YO25 4ND 1 1 54.043441 -0.29519
YO25 4NE 7 1 54.05235 -0.319558
YO25 4NF 22 0 54.05202 -0.319709
YO25 4NG 29 2 54.050276 -0.319092
YO25 4NH 11 0 54.050289 -0.313607
YO25 4NJ 16 0 54.047929 -0.311931
YO25 4NL 3 0 54.045522 -0.309539
YO25 4NN 34 2 54.058098 -0.296851
YO25 4NP 4 0 54.068027 -0.279512
YO25 4NQ 2 0 54.048797 -0.330255
YO25 4NR 2 0 54.067703 -0.278134
YO25 4NS 2 0 54.065971 -0.276463
YO25 4NT 5 1 54.06518 -0.278438
YO25 4NU 14 0 54.063668 -0.278317