all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 4SE 19 0 54.06372 -0.386455
YO25 4SF 12 0 54.062772 -0.380808
YO25 4SG 22 0 54.06501 -0.371461
YO25 4SH 2 1 54.064054 -0.376401
YO25 4SJ 6 0 54.063371 -0.377866
YO25 4SL 7 0 54.063198 -0.376282
YO25 4SN 9 0 54.063292 -0.376693
YO25 4SP 15 2 54.062196 -0.376705
YO25 4SQ 7 0 54.064518 -0.370303
YO25 4SR 20 1 54.062323 -0.380825
YO25 4SS 4 0 54.063293 -0.382789
YO25 4ST 40 0 54.06309 -0.38703
YO25 4SU 7 0 54.063754 -0.388318
YO25 4SW 4 0 54.062956 -0.376461
YO25 4SX 7 1 54.055483 -0.411203
YO25 4SY 4 0 54.054341 -0.407764
YO25 4TG 8 0 54.064146 -0.374062
YO25 4UA 11 0 54.064057 -0.3915
YO25 4UB 6 0 54.095091 -0.326624
YO25 4UD 4 0 54.095178 -0.324998