all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 4RG 13 2 54.064086 -0.375592
YO25 4RH 5 0 54.063994 -0.377429
YO25 4RJ 5 0 54.0643 -0.380107
YO25 4RL 38 3 54.064495 -0.381151
YO25 4RN 13 0 54.064359 -0.38313
YO25 4RP 17 1 54.063763 -0.382282
YO25 4RQ 3 0 54.064234 -0.376549
YO25 4TD 2 0 54.064758 -0.376679
YO25 4RR 59 1 54.064481 -0.389543
YO25 4RS 4 0 54.07049 -0.406794
YO25 4RT 1 0 54.068024 -0.38233
YO25 4RU 10 0 54.06568 -0.375102
YO25 4RX 10 0 54.06616 -0.373339
YO25 4RY 7 0 54.065772 -0.362048
YO25 4RZ 4 0 54.064355 -0.364213
YO25 4SA 7 0 54.065975 -0.359748
YO25 4SB 1 0 54.072811 -0.34502
YO25 4SD 17 0 54.065683 -0.375362
YO25 4SZ 6 0 54.065345 -0.372257
YO25 4TA 2 0 54.067127 -0.392449