all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 3PF 1 0 54.130756 -0.338165
YO25 3PG 5 0 54.13177 -0.342594
YO25 3PH 23 0 54.133288 -0.346406
YO25 3PA 3 0 54.132602 -0.346234
YO25 3PL 1 0 54.13431 -0.351462
YO25 3PN 8 0 54.133776 -0.346601
YO25 3PP 13 0 54.133552 -0.344681
YO25 3PQ 15 0 54.130262 -0.347338
YO25 3PR 27 0 54.133882 -0.343764
YO25 3PS 8 0 54.136885 -0.34389
YO25 3PT 11 0 54.136577 -0.341775
YO25 3PU 1 0 54.142135 -0.331601
YO25 3PW 19 0 54.134225 -0.345282
YO25 3PX 7 0 54.134581 -0.341717
YO25 3PY 1 0 54.134416 -0.342795
YO25 3PZ 1 0 54.132019 -0.366675
YO25 3QE 5 2 54.138182 -0.450824
YO25 3QF 8 0 54.141508 -0.452231
YO25 3QG 3 0 54.142104 -0.452408
YO25 3QH 5 0 54.143683 -0.452181