all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 3QJ 2 0 54.144522 -0.452454
YO25 3QL 13 0 54.144226 -0.45386
YO25 3QN 4 0 54.143566 -0.450807
YO25 3QP 5 0 54.143168 -0.451986
YO25 3QQ 1 1 54.144788 -0.452123
YO25 3QR 9 0 54.141376 -0.451716
YO25 3QW 15 1 54.141333 -0.449099
YO25 3TA 2 0 54.085421 -0.456457
YO25 3TB 4 0 54.086028 -0.455489
YO25 3TD 15 0 54.086692 -0.455355
YO25 3TE 4 0 54.086714 -0.455739
YO25 3TF 18 0 54.087593 -0.45696
YO25 3UA 5 0 54.086958 -0.456525
YO25 3TG 7 0 54.088046 -0.455858
YO25 3TH 11 1 54.089043 -0.457181
YO25 3TJ 7 0 54.089069 -0.457838
YO25 3TL 1 0 54.089301 -0.45841
YO25 3TN 15 1 54.088663 -0.458309
YO25 3TP 21 1 54.088182 -0.459415
YO25 3TQ 6 0 54.088184 -0.454675