all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 3SY 0 54.087447 -0.454718
YO25 3XF 0 54.063883 -0.620649
YO25 3QT 6 0 54.142629 -0.452724
YO25 3QU 8 0 54.142525 -0.452299
YO25 3HR 1 1 54.13287 -0.325254
YO25 3HF 1 0 54.04412 -0.612231
YO25 3SZ 1 0 54.087692 -0.456189
YO25 4AR 3 0 54.022443 -0.368407
YO25 4AS 17 1 54.030094 -0.350748
YO25 4AU 10 0 54.029744 -0.344899
YO25 4AX 4 0 54.029562 -0.346051
YO25 4BA 5 0 54.04246 -0.432422
YO25 4DA 2 0 54.014526 -0.413402
YO25 4DB 2 0 54.028264 -0.388009
YO25 4DD 1 0 54.033653 -0.370317
YO25 4DE 1 0 54.041448 -0.352757
YO25 4DG 30 2 54.040555 -0.374919
YO25 4DJ 4 0 54.10447 -0.34177
YO25 4DQ 5 0 54.040575 -0.373852
YO25 4DW 6 1 54.106115 -0.370768