all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 3XX 2 0 54.064286 -0.597161
YO25 3XY 1 0 54.055392 -0.58532
YO25 3XZ 2 0 54.096994 -0.578029
YO25 3YD 4 0 54.141737 -0.400937
YO25 3YE 13 0 54.141925 -0.402262
YO25 3YF 4 0 54.142614 -0.400016
YO25 3YG 8 1 54.14326 -0.401277
YO25 3YH 7 0 54.144623 -0.400995
YO25 3YJ 15 1 54.142974 -0.399313
YO25 3YL 9 1 54.142049 -0.396011
YO25 3YN 16 1 54.140281 -0.398973
YO25 3YQ 33 1 54.144322 -0.401328
YO25 3YR 17 0 54.141702 -0.397647
YO25 3YW 7 0 54.144053 -0.400695
YO25 3EQ 0 54.023555 -0.506517
YO25 3YT 0 54.141687 -0.397173
YO25 3QA 0 54.134222 -0.344394
YO25 3QB 0 54.13413 -0.343587
YO25 3QY 0 54.144182 -0.452544
YO25 3EH 0 54.023226 -0.503918