all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 6BP 15 1 53.969421 -1.095113
YO30 6AH 9 0 53.970063 -1.095709
YO30 6BQ 6 2 53.969798 -1.096264
YO30 6BT 35 1 53.968292 -1.092074
YO30 6BU 20 0 53.968253 -1.091678
YO30 6BX 22 0 53.968927 -1.090383
YO30 6BY 1 1 53.969668 -1.089833
YO30 6BZ 32 0 53.970069 -1.090465
YO30 6DB 26 0 53.970257 -1.091665
YO30 6DD 32 0 53.970941 -1.090507
YO30 6DE 18 0 53.97156 -1.089228
YO30 6DF 47 1 53.971855 -1.087728
YO30 6DG 28 13 53.972438 -1.087654
YO30 6DH 11 0 53.971927 -1.090226
YO30 6DJ 14 0 53.972436 -1.090962
YO30 6DL 57 0 53.972678 -1.090866
YO30 6DN 19 0 53.973045 -1.091919
YO30 6DP 6 0 53.975172 -1.089088
YO30 6DQ 48 0 53.971993 -1.089341
YO30 6DR 35 2 53.974007 -1.089541